** Scheduled dates are based on Santa Fe time. The schedules based on local times are listed in the time tables below; to access them, click on the symposium title. For late sessions in US, both the schedules for Europe and Asia need to add 1 day as listed at the top of the time tables.
Click on the specific symposium to get the schedule!
- Symposium: Twenty years of PIPT: Review and future perspective; Date: November 8, 2021**
Speakers: Hervé Cailleau, Shin-ya Koshihara, Tadeusz Luty, Keiichiro Nasu
Speakers: Andrea Cavalleri, Andrea Damascelli, Shinichiro Iwai, Alexander Kemper, Matteo Mitrano, Atsushi Ono, Philipp Werner, Kenji Yonemitsu + contributed talks
Speakers: Jens Biegert, Tyler Cocker, Tom Devereaux, Robert Kaindl, Aaron Lindenberg, Manuel Meierhofer/Huber, Ryo Shimano, Zhensheng Tao, Martin Wolf + contributed talks
Speakers: Martin Eckstein, David Hsieh, Kaoru Iwano, Jeremy Johnson, Takashi Oka, Yoich Okimoto, Liuyan Zhao + contributed talks
Speakers: Yaroslav Gerasimenko, Dragan Mihailović, Keith Nelson, Michael Horn von Hoegen + contributed talks
Speakers: Richard Averitt, Eric Collet, Hermann Dürr, Venkat Gopalan, Steven Johnson, Hiroshi Okamoto, Yu-Miin Sheu, Julia Stähler, Jianxin Zhu + contributed talks
Speakers: Hyunyong Choi, Stefan Eisebitt, Nick Sirica, Kazuaki Takasan, Sam Teitelbaum, Mariano Trigo, Jigang Wang + contributed talks
Symposium: Twenty years of PIPT: Review and future perspective
Nov. 8 (Mon) | Nov. 8 (Mon) | Nov. 8 (Mon) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Chong-Yu Ruan (Michigan State University) | ||||
6:00a | 2:00p | 10:00p | Chong-Yu Ruan (Michigan State University) Rohit Prasankumar (LANL) |
Conference symposia opening (slides) (video) |
6:15a | 2:15p | 10:15p | Tadeusz Luty (University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw), Keiichiro Nasu (KEK) |
A brief history and basic concepts of PIPT (abstract) (video) |
6:30a | 2:30p | 10:30p | Hervé Cailleau (University of Rennes1) |
From PIPT1 to PIPT7: structural phase transition experimenter’s viewpoint (abstract) (video) |
7:05a | 3:05p | 11:05p | Keiichiro Nasu (KEK) |
Photoinduced spontaneous translational symmetry breakage, not against quantum conservation laws (abstract) (video) |
7:40a | 4:40p | 11:40p | Shin-ya Koshihara (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
Experimental challenge for developing photoinduced phase transition (PIPT) materials (abstract) (video) |
8:15a | 5:15p | 12:15a | End of symposium |
Symposium: Non-thermal control of quantum material
Nov. 9 (Tue) | Nov.9 (Tue) | Nov.10 (Wed) | Virtual talks | ||
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Tom Devereaux (Stanford) | |||||
2:00p | 10:00p | 6:00a | Andrea Cavalleri (University of Hamburg & Oxford University) |
Advances in nonlinear phononics (video) | |
2:30p | 10:30p | 6:30a | Matteo Mitrano (Harvard University) |
Ultrafast renormalization of the onsite Coulomb repulsion in a cuprate superconductor (video) | |
3:00p | 11:00p | 7:00a | Philipp Werner (University of Fribourg) |
Entropy cooling of correlated electron systems (abstract) (video) | |
3:30p | 11:30p | 7:30a | Gregor Jecl (Jožef Stefan Institute) |
Controlling stripe ordering in IrTe2 with ultrafast optical pulses (abstract) (video) | |
3:50p | 11:50p | 7:50a | Shuaishuai Sun (Michigan State University) |
Nonthermal control of excited quantum materials following an interaction quench (abstract)(video) | |
4:10p | 12:10a | 8:10a | Takeshi Suzuki (University of Tokyo) |
Photo-induced insulator-to-metal transition in Ta2NiSe5 studied by time-resolved ARPES (abstract)(video) | |
4:30p | 12:30a | 8:30a | End of session |
Nov. 9 (Tue) | Nov. 10 (Wed) | Nov.10 (Wed) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Shin-ya Koshihara (Tokyo Institute of Technology) | ||||
9:00p | 5:00a | 1:00p | Lex Kemper (North Carolina State Univ.) |
Time-Resolved Photoemission from excitons and coherences (video) |
9:30p | 5:30a | 1:30p | Andrea Damascelli (University of British Columbia) |
Time-resolved ARPES on cuprates: Tracking the low-energy electrodynamics in the time domain (video) |
10:00p | 6:00a | 2:00p | Hao Chu (University of British Columbia) |
Fano interference of the Higgs mode in cuprate high-Tc superconductors (abstract) (video) |
10:20p | 6:20a | 2:20p | Shinichiro Iwai (Tohoku University) |
Ultrafast breaking of spatial/time reversal symmetry by a single-cycle light-field in strongly correlated chargers/spins (abstract) (video) |
10:50p | 6:50a | 2:50p | Kenji Yonemitsu (Chuo University) |
Ultrafast spin/charge dynamics in quantum-spin materials: Symmetry aspects (abstract) (video) |
11:20p | 7:20a | 3:20p | Atsushi Ono (Tohoku University) |
Photocontrol of magnetic and electronic structures in antiferromagnetic Dirac semimetals (abstract) (video) |
11:50p | 7:50a | 3:50p | End of symposium |
Poster session 1:
November 10 – 12:00pm – 2:00pm MST (Santa Fe time; Central Europe: 8:00pm-10:00pm; Tokyo: 4:00am-6:00am November 11th)
Symposium: Multi-messenger and cross platform studies
Nov. 10 (Wed) | Nov.10 (Wed) | Nov.11 (Thu) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: David Hsieh (Caltech) | ||||
2:00p | 10:00p | 6:00a | Martin Wolf (Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin) |
Electronic and structural dynamics probed by time-resolved ARPES and TERS in k-space and real space (video) |
2:30p | 10:30p | 6:30a | Manuel Meierhofer /Rupert Huber (University of Regensburg) |
Non-integer high-harmonic generation in a topological insulator (abstract) (video) |
3:00p | 11:00p | 7:00a | Tom Devereaux (Stanford University) |
Why time-resolved resonant inelastic scattering for quantum materials may interest you (video) |
3:30p | 11:30p | 7:30a | Robert Kaindl (Arizona State University) |
Advanced ultrafast probes of symmetry breaking in quantum materials (abstract) (video) |
4:00p | 12:00a | 8:00a | Aaron Lindenberg (Stanford University) |
Dynamic electric-field-driven switching pathways in VO2 (video) |
4:30p | 12:30a | 8:30a | Donald Walko (Argonne Natl. Lab.) |
Photoinducing the hidden M2 phase in VO2 (abstract) (video) |
4:50p | 12:50a | 8:50a | End of session |
Nov. 10 (Wed) | Nov.11 (Thu) | Nov.11 (Thu) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Yu-Miin Sheu (National Chiao Tung University) | ||||
9:00p | 5:00a | 1:00p | Ryo Shimano (University of Tokyo) |
Higgs mode as an ultrafast snapshot of order parameter in conventional and unconventional superconductors (abstract) (video) |
9:30p | 5:30a | 1:30p | MengXing Na (University of British Columbia) |
Direct determination of mode-projected electron phonon coupling in the time domain (abstract) (video) |
9:50p | 5:50a | 1:50p | Tyler Cocker (Michigan State University) |
Atomically resolved terahertz scanning tunneling spectroscopy as a tool for exploring ultrafast dynamics in new materials (abstract) (video) |
10:20p | 6:20a | 2:20p | Zhensheng Tao (Fudan University) |
Active spintronic-metasurface terahertz emitters with tunable chirality (abstract) (video) |
10:50p | 6:50a | 2:50p | Jens Biegert (The Institute of Photonic Sciences) |
Electronic and lattice dynamics from attosecond soft-X-ray spectroscopy (abstract) (video) |
11:20p | 7:20a | 3:20p | End of symposium |
Symposium: Tailored excitations-from short pulses and high fields to nonlinear phononics and Floquet states
Nov. 11 (Thu) | Nov. 11 (Thu) | Nov. 11 (Thu) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Philipp Werner (University of Fribourg) | ||||
6:00a | 2:00p | 10:00p | Takashi Oka (University of Tokyo) |
Geometry and topology in strong field dynamics of Dirac electrons (abstract) (video) |
6:30a | 2:30p | 10:30p | Martin Eckstein (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
Floquet manipulation and electric field control of spin-orbital physics in Mott insulators (video) |
7:00a | 3:00p | 11:00p | Kaoru Iwano (KEK) |
Ultrabosonic and subbosonic behaviors in photoexcited one-dimensional Mott insulators (abstract) (video) |
7:30a | 3:30p | 11:30p | Jeremy Johnson (Brigham Young University) |
A combined experimental and computational approach to understanding nonlinear THz vibrational excitation in solids (abstract) (video) |
8:00a | 4:00p | 12:00a | Jiaojian Shi (MIT) |
Terahertz-driven irreversible topological phase transition in two-dimensional MoTe2 (abstract) (video) |
8:20a | 4:20p | 12:20a | End of session |
Nov. 11 (Thu) | Nov. 11 (Thu) | Nov. 12 (Fri) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Lex Kemper (North Carolina State University) | ||||
2:00p | 10:00p | 6:00a | David Hsieh (Caltech) |
Giant modulation of optical nonlinearity by Floquet engineering (video) |
2:30p | 10:30p | 6:30a | Liuyan Zhao (University of Michigan) |
Ultrafast modulations and detection of a ferro-rotational charge density wave using time-resolved electric quadrupole second harmonic generation (video) |
3:00p | 11:00p | 7:00a | Yuta Murakami (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
High-Harmonic Generation in strongly correlated systems (abstract) (video) |
3:20p | 11:20p | 7:20a | Yoich Okimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
Ultrafast dynamics of the electronic ferroelectric iron oxide (abstract) (video) |
3:50p | 11:50p | 7:50a | END of symposium |
Symposium: Metastable/long-lived trapped states
Nov. 15 (Mon) | Nov. 15 (Mon) | Nov. 15 (Mon) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Hervé Cailleau (Université de Rennes 1) | ||||
6:00a | 2:00p | 10:00p | Dragan Mihailović (Jožef Stefan Institute) |
What are the origins of metastability for systems emerging through a phase transition |
6:30a | 2:30p | 10:30p | Yaroslav A. Gerasimenko (University of Regensburg) |
From vortices to jamming: photoinduced transitions revealed in STM (abstract) (video) |
7:00a | 3:00p | 11:00p | Michael Horn von Hoegen (Duisburg-Essen University) |
Ultrafast optical excitation of a metastable, long-living, and super cooled state in Peierls distorted Indium atomic wires on Si(111) (abstract) (video) |
7:30a | 3:30p | 11:30p | Keith Nelson (MIT) |
Single-shot real-time observations of ultrafast photoinduced transitions into metastable phases |
8:00a | 4:00p | 12:00p |
Vladimir A. Stoica (Pennsylvania State University) |
Photoinduced dynamics of ordering in polar vortex supercrystals (abstract) (video) |
8:20a | 4:20p | 12:20p | END of symposium |
Symposium: Non-equilibrium dynamics of electrons, lattices, and spins
Nov. 16 (Tue) | Nov. 16 (Tue) | Nov. 17 (Wed) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Jianxin Zhu (Los Alamos National Laboratory) | ||||
2:00p | 10:00p | 6:00a | Steve Johnson (ETH Zürich) |
Coherent manipulation of materials near topological and ferroelectric phase transitions (abstract) (video) |
2:30p | 10:30p | 6:30a | Julia Stähler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Fritz Haber Institute) |
Ultrafast generation and decay of a surface metal (abstract) (video) |
3:00p | 11:00p | 7:00a | Hermann Durr (Uppsala University) |
Non-equilibrium stabilization of spin-wave solitons at at THz frequencies and nanometer lengthscales (video) |
3:30p | 11:30p | 7:30a | Eric Collet (Université de Rennes) |
X-FEL study of charge-transfer driven by ultrafast spin-transition in a CoFe Prussian blue analogue (abstract) (video) |
4:00p | 12:00a | 8:00a | Richard Averitt (UC-San Diego) |
Terahertz spectroscopy as a reporter of condensate dynamics in quantum materials (video) |
4:30p | 12:30a | 8:30a | End of session |
Poster session 2:
November 16 – 7:00pm – 9:00pm MST (Santa Fe time; Central Europe: 3:00am-5:00am November 17th; Tokyo: 11:00am-1:00pm November 17th)
Nov. 16 (Tue) | Nov. 17 (Wed) | Nov. 17 (Wed) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Ryo Shimano (University of Tokyo) | ||||
9:00p | 5:00a | 1:00p | Venkat Gopalan (Pennsylvania State University) |
Band-resolved, phonon-mediated ultrafast demagnetization in MnBi2Te4 (abstract) (video) |
9:30p | 5:30a | 1:30p | Jian-Xin Zhu (LANL) |
Nonequilibrium quasiparticle dynamics in an unconventional superconductor with competing order (abstract) (video) |
10:00p | 6:00a | 2:00p | Hiroshi Okamoto (University of Tokyo) |
Nonlinear electronic responses and phase transitions induced by a strong mid-infrared pulse in correlated electron materials (abstract) |
10:30p | 6:30a | 2:30p | Yu-Miin Sheu (National Chiao Tung University) |
Creating on-demand optomagnets from antiferromagnets (abstract) (video) |
11:00p | 7:00a | 3:00p | END of symposium |
Symposium: Defects, topology, and non-trivial collective excitations in PIPT
Nov. 17 (Wed) | Nov. 17 (Wed) | Nov. 18 (Thu) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Aaron Lindenberg (Standford) | ||||
2:00p | 10:00p | 6:00a | Stefan Eisebitt (Max Born Institute) |
Optical generation of magnetic skyrmions via a fluctuation driven, topology-sensitive mechanism (abstract) (video) |
2:30p | 10:30p | 6:30a | Prashant Padmanabhan (LANL) |
Optically driven collective magnetic cycloid and Néel-type skyrmion lattice excitations in GaV4S8 (abstract) (video) |
2:50p | 10:50p | 6:50a | Mariano Trigo (SLAC) |
Effect of photoinduced topological defects in the competing CDW orders of LaTe3 (video) |
3:20p | 11:20p | 7:20a | Sam Teitelbaum (Arizona State University) |
Long-lived domain walls and commensuration in low-dimensional materials (video) |
3:50p | 11:50a | 7:50a | END of session |
Nov. 17 (Wed) | Nov. 18 (Thu) | Nov. 18 (Thu) | Virtual talks | |
US (Santa Fe) ET+2 hr; PT-1hr |
Europe (Central) London-1hr |
Asia (Tokyo) Beijing -1hr |
Chair: Rohit Prasankumar (Los Alamos National Laboratory) | ||||
9:00p | 5:00a | 1:00p | Jigang Wang (Iowa State University) |
Control of topological phase transitions by symmetry-selective coherent phonons (abstract) (video) |
9:30p | 5:30a | 1:30p | Nicholas Sirica (LANL) |
Using ultrafast photocurrents to manipulate electronic Symmetry in the Weyl semimetal TaAs (video) |
10:00p | 6:00a | 2:00p | Kazuaki Takasan (UC-Berkeley) |
Light-induced topological superconductivity in cuprates and transition metal dichalcogenides (abstract) (video) |
10:30p | 6:30a | 2:30p | Hyunyong Choi (Seoul National University) |
Ultrafast Dirac plasmon dynamics in 3D topological Insulators (abstract) (video) |
11:00p | 7:00a | 3:00p | Chong-Yu Ruan (Michigan State University) Rohit Prasankumar (LANL) |
Closing of PIPT7 conference. Announcing PIPT8 (slides) (video) |
11:15p | 7:15a | 3:15p | END of conference | |
Upcoming (June of 2024) |
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